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阅读人数:2704 试卷发布: 发布日期:2020-11-23 试卷来源:
For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Popular Music. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.许多年轻人热衷于流行音乐。2.流行音乐受欢迎的原因。3.你的观点、态度。
Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Where do pesticides(杀虫剂) fit into the picture of environmental disease? We have seen that they now pollute soil, water, and food, that they have the 【S1】______ to make our streams fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless. Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of 【S2】______. Can he 【S3】______ a pollution that is now so thoroughly distributed throughout our world?  We know that even 【S4】______ exposures to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe poisoning. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers, and others exposed to 【S5】______ quantities of pesticides are very sad and should not occur. For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the 【S6】______ effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that 【S7】______ pollute our world.  Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are cumulative(积累的) over long periods of time, and that the danger to the individual may depend on the 【S8】______ of the exposures received throughout his lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily 【S9】______. It is human nature to shake off what may seem to us a threat of future disaster. "Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs," says a wise physician, Dr. Rene Dubos, "yet some of their worst enemies 【S10】______ approach them unnoticed."Word Bank:A. sum         I. invisiblyB. power        J. authorityC. free        K. smallD. unconsciously    L. natureE. sufficient     M. slowlyF. ignored       N. delayedG. society       O. escapeH. single【S1】
Making Reading, Writing and Recession Work Together A)With books tucked neatly on the shelves and a comfy purple-dragon rug in a back corner nook, the library at San Diegos Willard B. Hage Elementary School is the perfect place for children to fall in love with reading. Since the start of the school year, however, the library has been off limits to students, who get to go there only when(already overworked)teachers can escort them and handle the record keeping. "With all of the cutbacks weve had in the last few years, the district cant pay for someone to help check out books," explains Pam Wiesenberg, a third-grade teacher at the school. "As a result, the children suffer." B)As the national economy continues to nose dive, a growing number of public schools have found themselves facing similar situations — and making more and more painful cutbacks. Advanced Placement programmes, extra help for English learners, art, music and summer school could be on the chopping block in many places. Ditto(同上)for efforts to reduce class size. C)The huge federal stimulus package should offer some relief to desperate districts; the House and Senate are haggling over versions that include at least $80 billion for education programs, a significant bump up from the Education Departments $59 billion discretionary(自由裁量的)budget for fiscal 2008. But theres a catch: a big chunk of the stimulus money that is designed to prevent massive teacher layoffs will be awarded only to states that spend at least as much on education as they did in 2006 — a tall order given that a minimum of 42 states are facing significant budget gaps. At least 20 states have already cut their K-12 budgets. Moreover, even with the federal stimulus money, school districts will still get the bulk of their funding from state and local coffers, which havent been this low in decades. As Randall Moody, manager of federal advocacy for the National Education Association, says, "When you have 40 states with serious budget issues and thats where schools get the bulk of their money, naturally theres going to be a problem." D)Budget disasters are perhaps most acute in California. The state, the most populous in the US, spends about $48 billion a year on K-12 education, or nearly half its general fund, which receives revenue from a variety of sources, including income and sales taxes. This year, however, the double hits of endless layoffs and an imploding(剧减的)real estate market has ruined the fund, with legislators projecting a $42 billion deficit by the middle of next year. To help bridge this gap, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed shorting schools $2.1 billion during the rest of this academic year and $3.1 billion the next. He wants to save an additional $1.1 billion by reducing the number of school days, from 180 to 175. Though the extra time off might cheer students, California school superintendent Jack O. Connell strenuously opposes the move. Best sound bite: "To close the achievement gap and prepare all students for success in the competitive global economy, we should be offering more time in class, not less." E)Despite Congresss holding emergency weekend sessions to push through a stimulus plan, educators in many states lament the fact that schools wont see a penny of the extra money until at least July. According to O. Connell, some of Californias poorest districts are running out of cash for subsidised meal programmes. The Hayward district is planning layoffs that would increase class size in primary grades from 20 students to 32. In Lake Elsinore, schools have turned off the lights in many rooms — and placed duct tape over the switches — to save money on electricity bills. F)Terry Grier, superintendent of the San Diego Unified School District, says his district needs a cash influx(流入)now. "There are schools in our district that dont even have nurses on certain days," says Grier, whose district includes Hage Elementary School and its shuttered stacks. "If a kid skins his elbow, a teacher has to take time out of her lesson to dust him off, clean him up and put on a Band Aid." G)California isnt the only state grappling with steep K-12 budget cuts. In Florida, officials in overcrowded school districts are bracing themselves for likely staff cuts. Connecticuts board of education adopted a budget resolution in December that included an overall 10% reduction — a move that some fear means that pink slips for teachers are inevitable. "The biggest line items in most school budgets are staff and benefits," says Bob Brewer, an education consultant in East Hartford, Conn. "No district can absorb those kinds of hits without trimming some of those big ticket items." Even oil and gas rich states are in a panic. In Alaska, for instance, sinking oil prices have some state legislators scrambling to lock in education budgets for the next few years as the state prepares to dip into its savings to cover a shortfall of approximately $1.65 billion this year and up to $3 billion next year. In Montana, which earned big bucks last year from its natural resources, education is funded primarily through property taxes, and many fear that the closing of mines and aluminum plants could trigger a mass exodus and redistribute the tax base. "It doesnt look good," says Eric Feaver, who heads the MEA MFT, a union of teachers and state employees. "People around here are starting to ask themselves what will happen if people leave." H)Where will those families go? And whose school districts can afford to absorb their children? In California, school officials are expecting to receive upwards of $8 billion over two years from the federal stimulus. While this money would enable districts to address some of their most pressing needs, John Mockler, an education funding specialist in Sacramento, says, "Its not a panacea(万灵药)." In the long term, Mockler says, states need to come up with new funding sources to support classroom instruction and let teachers do what they were hired to do — teach. In the meantime, some school district administrators have come up with creative solutions. Superintendent Jerry Vaughn of the Floydada Independent School District in Texas — which has 900 or so students — says he is working toward a partnership with a local wind power company that would pay for a laptop for every kid in grades 6 through 12. At the fast growing Forsyth County Schools District in Cum-ming, Ga., Bailey Mitchell, chief technology and information officer, recently opted to use free open source software instead of purchasing expensive software licenses from vendors like Microsoft. Mitchell says the decision will save $1.1 million over three years. "We sat back and recognized the money we needed simply wasnt going to materialize out of thin air," he says. I)Back in San Diego, at Hage Elementary, teachers desperate for help in the school library are recruiting parent volunteers to staff the facility a few days each week. Juli Finney, president of the schools Parent Teacher Association, admits that while this solution isnt ideal, it is precisely the kind of effort she and other parents must make to ensure that state budget cuts dont deny their children the chance to experience the thousands of books that are now quite literally behind closed doors. "Technically, the PTA is supposed to put icing on the cake and not provide the cake itself," she says. But when times are tough, some cake is better than no cake at all.There might not be enough taxes for school budgets if a lot of people leave Montana.
A big part of the federal stimulus money will go to states that spend on education no less than they did in 2006.
Sinking oil prices have led state legislators of Alaska to make adjustment on education budgets for the next few years.
According to Terry Grier, the number of school staffs has decreased because of lacking money in his district.
At San Diegos Hage Elementary, parents of the students are coming voluntarily to help staff the facility in the school library sometimes.
The students of Willard B. Hage Elementary School cant go to the library whenever they want to since the start of the school year, because there isnt enough budget to pay librarians.
In Juli Finneys opinion, Parent Teacher Associations help is just an emergency move.
According to California school superintendent Jack O. Connell, the measure of extending class time should be taken to bridge the achievement gap.
According to John Mockler, states should seek for new funding sources to make sure schools operate normally in the long term.
Educators in many states are afraid that the influence of Congresss stimulus plan would not been seen until July.

 After an intense three-month heat wave, Indians in the north and east of the subcontinent were praying hard for rain. Their prayers were heard and answered in the form. of a curse. Violent downpours flooded much of the country, drowning more than 500 people and leaving thousands more homeless. Walls of water hit 26 cities and 2,500 villages, washing away bridges, submerging reads and railways in waist- deep torrents, cutting power lines and wiping out animals, crops and factories. In all, the storm destroyed more than $ 1 billion worth of property. The death toll in neighboring Bangladesh rose to nearly 300 since mid-June. More than 400 people died in Nepal and another 700 were missing.

  The rains hit India hardest in Punjab (旁遮普邦), which was transformed into a wasteland of collapsed houses and dead cattle. In the village of Doomchheri, 40 km southwest of Chandigarh, Punjab's capital, floods rising to a height of 4m washed away 400 of the 700 homes and destroyed all the crops. Jaswant Kaur and her family of five clung to trees when their mud hut collapsed. One cousin drowned; the other four swam to safety, reaching the second story of a neighbor's home. Wailed Jaswant:" What have we done to be cursed like this ?"

  In the country the armed forces were mobilized to help. In Punjab 5,000 uniformed men used helicopters and assault boats to rescue victims isolated by flood, distribute food and medicine and, finally, remove the dead. Near the town of Patiala, 85 km south of Chandigarh, all 16 members of a rescue team drowned when their boat tipped over in 4m waves. One soldier named Sohan Singh could have survived, witnesses reported, but he ordered panic-stricken villagers to cling to him while he struggled toward safety. His body was found four days later, along with two dead villagers whose arms were wrapped around one of his legs.

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Curse of Heaven

B.Floods Hit India

C.Floods Claim Hundreds of Lives

D.A Terrible Disaster


Violent downpours flooded much of India, and resulted in ______.

A.a death toll of more than 500 people

B.the loss of $ 5 billion worth of property

C.nearly 700 people missing

D.a total of 2,500 people homeless


The most severely stricken state in India was ______.






One of the Kaurs most likely died of ______.

A.house collapsing

B.not knowing how to climb trees

C.the curse of violent death

D.inability to swim


Sohan Singh could have survived if ______.

A.he hadn't tried to rescue others

B.villagers had helped him

C.he had struggled harder toward safety

D.his body had been found some days later


  The next time you attend a social function or go to a place where people meet and interact, take note of the number of people who have adopted the identical gestures and posture of the person with whom they are talking. This "carbon copying" is a means by which one person tells the other that he is in agreement with his ideas and attitudes. By this method, one is non-verbally saying to the other, "As you can see, I think the same as you, so I will copy your posture and gesture."

  This unconscious mimicry is quite interesting to observe. Take for example, the two men standing at the hotel bar. They have mirrored each other's gestures and it is reasonable to assume that they are discussing a topic upon which they have the same thoughts and feelings. If one man uncrosses his arms and legs or stands on the other foot, the other will follow, lf one puts his hand in his pocket, the other will copy and this mimicry will continue for as long as the two men are in agreement.

  This copying also occurs among good friends or people at the same status level and it is common to see married couples walk, stand, sit and move in identical ways. People who are strangers, however, studiously avoid holding mutual positions. The significance of carbon copying can be one of the most important non-verbal lessons we can learn, for this is one way that others tell us that they agree with us or like us. It is also a way for us to tell others that we like them, by simply copying their gestures.

  If an employer wishes to develop an immediate rapport and create a relaxing atmosphere with an employee, he needs to copy the employee's posture to achieve the end. Similarly, an up-and-coming employee may be seen copying his boss' gestures in an attempt to show agreement. Using the knowledge, it is possible to influence a face-to-face encounter by copying the positive gestures and postures of the other person. This has the effect of putting the other person in a receptive and relaxed frame. of mind and he can "see" that you understand his point of view.

What is an appropriate title for this passage?

A.Appropriate Social Behavior.

B.How to Make Gestures.

C.Carbon Copying: Showing Agreement Through Gestures.

D.How to Avoid Carbon Copying.


What is "carbon copying" according to the passage?

A.To adopt identical gesture of others.

B.To repeat what others have said.

C.To show agreement with others.

D.To mock others.


Among which group m the following are carbon copying NOT frequently seen?

A.Married couples.

B.Good friends.

C.People not familiar with each other.

D.People at the same' status.


What should an employer do to create a relaxing atmosphere for employee?

A.Be polite.

B.Copy the gesture of the employee.

C.Be helpful.

D.Avoid copying the employee's gesture.


What is a way for the prospective employee to show his/her agreement with the boss?

A.Copy the gesture of the boss.

B.Be submissive.

C.Repeat what the boss has said.

D.Be innovative.




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